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If you`re planning to move in with a roommate in Illinois, it`s important to have a roommate agreement in place. This legally binding document can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts down the line, and ensure that both parties are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Here are some key points to consider when drafting a roommate agreement in Illinois.

1. Rent and Utility Costs

The first thing to address in your roommate agreement is the division of rent and utility costs. Be sure to specify how much each person will pay, and whether there will be any fluctuations based on usage or other factors.

2. Security Deposits

In Illinois, landlords are required to provide tenants with a written receipt for their security deposit, and must return the deposit within 30-45 days of the lease`s end. Your roommate agreement should outline how the deposit will be split, and how it will be returned when you move out.

3. Household Chores

To avoid any arguments over who is responsible for cleaning the bathroom, doing the dishes, or taking out the trash, it`s important to include a section on household chores in your roommate agreement. Be specific about who will handle each task, and how often they will be completed.

4. Noise Restrictions

Illinois has noise ordinances that prohibit excessive noise during certain hours of the day and night. Make sure your roommate agreement includes guidelines for noise, including when it`s appropriate to play music or have guests over, and when quiet hours should be observed.

5. Guests and Visitors

Speaking of guests, it`s important to set some ground rules for visitors in your apartment. Determine how many guests are allowed at one time, how long they can stay, and whether there are any restrictions on overnight guests.

6. Lease Termination

Finally, make sure your roommate agreement includes a section on how the lease can be terminated. This could include a notice period, any penalties for breaking the lease early, and how the remaining rent and utilities will be split if one person moves out before the lease is up.

By putting these key points in writing, you can help ensure that your living situation with your roommate is as harmonious as possible. Be sure to have both parties sign and date the agreement, and keep a copy for your records.

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